We are completely rebuilding our portals, this will include a new technology stack, new look and feel, new user flows, all new features and protection for property managers. Join our journey into the future!
We have created an industry directory for our Elite/Trusted Partners so landlords can find property managers in their area.
This directory will also help property managers to find and review local contractors with ease!
We have created an industry directory for our Elite/Trusted Partners so landlords can find property managers in their area.
This directory will also help property managers to find and review local contractors with ease!
Healthy Homes compliance is one of the key challenges property managers face.
The first deadline for the Healthy Homes Standards is December 1, 2020. This new feature gives you the ability to manage your portfolio and each compliance standard in one easy to use tab. It breaks down each property and it’s corresponding standard, and allows you to update the Healthy Homes Statement.
This will save you time and stress and give you a long term solution to this new area of compliance.
Healthy Homes compliance is one of the key challenges property managers face.
The first deadline for the Healthy Homes Standards is December 1, 2020. This new feature gives you the ability to manage your portfolio and each compliance standard in one easy to use tab. It breaks down each property and it’s corresponding standard, and allows you to update the Healthy Homes Statement.
This will save you time and stress and give you a long term solution to this new area of compliance.
We are in the final stages of integrating with Console Cloud.
If you are using Console Cloud, this feature is for you. By synching your console account with your TPS Portal account this will open up all sorts of new features and make life that much easier.
We are in the final stages of integrating with Console Cloud.
If you are using Console Cloud, this feature is for you. By synching your console account with your TPS Portal account this will open up all sorts of new features and make life just so much easier.
We are set to finish our Property Tree Integration by April.
This Easter any of our Property Tree clients can expect new features in their basket.. we mean Portal account!
We are set to finish our Property Tree Integration by April.
This Easter any of our Property Tree clients can expect new features in their basket.. we mean Portal account!
This is a relatively new feature available to our Elite Partner clients.
The reason we developed this was to assist you with getting new business. Our landlord fundamental videos are specifically designed to help educate landlords on the benefits of having a property manager in place. We aim to build this out and make it an easy way for you to grow your business at the click of a button.
This is a relatively new feature available to our Elite Partner clients.
The reason we developed this was to assist you with getting new business. Our landlord fundamental videos are specifically designed to help educate landlords on the benefits of having a property manager in place. We aim to build this out and make it an easy way for you to grow your business at the click of a button.
Feedback we have received is that although Total Tenancy is a valuable resource, the way it is laid out and the searchability still has plenty of room to improve, which is exactly what we are doing.
Our focus over the last few years has been on populating Total Tenancy with training content and hundreds of videos and resources. Now our focus is making the material as easy as possible to find.
Again, our mission here is to make this easier to use, while adding in new resources to assist with the transition into the new legislation and regulations as the deadlines pass.
We have a plan to add in hundreds of new videos, resources and other helpful, practical new features to get you through 2021.
Feedback we have received is that although Total Tenancy is a valuable resource, the way it is laid out and the searchability still has plenty of room to improve, which is exactly what we are doing.
Our focus over the last few years has been on populating Total Tenancy with training content and hundreds of videos and resources. Now our focus is making the material as easy as possible to find.
Again, our mission here is to make this easier to use, while adding in new resources to assist with the transition into the new legislation and regulations as the deadlines pass.
We have a plan to add in hundreds of new videos, resources and other helpful, practical new features to get you through 2021.
Our Masterclass tab is an online training platform. This gives property managers the ability to get trained, get tested and get a certificate to show you know your stuff.
This training will provide property mangers the ability to learn the latest compliance requirements and keep up to speed with what’s happening in the industry.
Our Masterclass tab is an online training platform. This gives property managers the ability to get trained, get tested and get a certificate to show you know your stuff.
This training will provide property mangers the ability to learn the latest compliance requirements and keep up to speed with what’s happening in the industry.