The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has clarified their stance on applicant…
The RTA Amendment Act 2020 is now in play and has an immediate effect on rent increases
The Green Party will look to increases regulations for the rental property industry…
A Christchurch landlord has copped a hefty penalty for failing to meet her obligations.
The Government’s controversial RTA Amendment Bill has been passed into law and most of…
The Labour-led Government’s controversial RTA Amendment Bill is charging ahead,…
The Government has today announced that they won’t extend their emergency provisions…
It is more important than ever for professional property managers to easily highlight…
Industry leaders are calling for the Government to end the emergency changes to the…
Nearly half of all landlords have indicated they have suffered a drop of income due to…
In an unexpected move, the deadline for landlords to include detailed information in…
The New Zealand farming community is asking the government to review legislation that…
The property management industry will effectively begin a ‘new normal’ from midday on…
More FM’s Polly and Grant interview consultant Scotney Williams on the…
New details on how private viewings may be conducted under Alert Level 3 have been…