Tenancy Services have conceded that their hotline is under pressure and this means…
This section of the Residential Tenancies Act has been amended and there is now a…
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is sceptical that a move to block landlords claiming…
Section 45B states that a landlord must permit the installation of a fibre connection…
Landlords and property managers should expect a raft of fixture and minor change…
With record rent prices continuing to rise around New Zealand, landlords and property…
Charging tenants unlawful costs could hit you in the back pocket or even make you the…
It has always been a requirement to notify the tenant if the landlord’s contacts…
It has always been a requirement to notify a tenant if there is a change of ownership,…
Tenancy agreements have always had mandatory requirements but now there is more risk…
Tenancy agreement compliance is set to go up a few notches.
From February 11, landlords and property managers will be required to display the…
Recently you may have seen a news story exposing an alleged data breach.
The Labour party have promised to regulate the property management industry and…
At Alert Level 3 & 2 rental viewings are required to display a NZ COVID Tracer app QR…